William Gloege :

William Gloege doesn’t like writing about himself in the third person, so I will just tell you a
little bit about myself and thoughts on yoga.


I am just a normal guy with a normal job who about ten years ago, went through a tough time
and was lucky enough to find yoga. Its benefits were hard to explain, but I knew it was
something special. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by a large community of yogis allowing
me to find a unique path with other practitioners and learn which of the styles and
philosophies that worked for me. The teachers whom I practiced with doesn’t matter nor does
the style I experienced, my practice and teaching style is a milkshake of a couple hundred
teachers, fellow-yogis and friends. Big name, no name it doesn’t matter I try to learn from all
the yogis around me. I have national certifications, that doesn’t matter. I have done yoga all
over the world, that also doesn’t matter. Sometimes my led practice is very hard, sometimes
not….what I hope is that you come with an open mind and see if you find any growth.


My goal in yoga is to seek physical and spiritual progression and live every moment I receive. I
believe that yoga is more than just a maintenance practice and I hope to offer a path of growth
for myself and fellow yogis; physically, mentally and spiritually. My growth comes from self-
examination and pushing limits in a safe and practical way. I hope you find that when we
practice together.


A little about me. I am a pilot, 20+ year Real Estate agent, amateur farmer and seek to find the
beauty in everything. I have 9 chickens in my backyard, I grow lots of my own food and I love to
travel. My love of travel is so deep that I rode my motorbike around the world twice—4 years,
80+ countries, 5 continents and 170,000+ miles.


See you when I see you…