Yoga: Vinyasa Flow, Yin, Restorative, Pranayama, Meditation, Sound Healing, Kirtan, Satsang, Dream Yoga, Chair Yoga

TO ENROLL CLICK HERE: Pre-Register / View Live Schedule / MindBody App


All Levels, All Bodies, All Ways are Welcome Always! 

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu ~ May all beings be happy. May all beings be healthy. And may all being be free everywhere.


Dive Deeper with Our Yoga Events & Workshops: Click Here to Read More


TO ENROLL CLICK HERE: Pre-Register / View Live Schedule / MindBody App



Thank you for your continued support!! This has been such a tremendous journey – – your commitment to your yoga practice and to our community and studio specifically, has touched our souls and hearts to the core! We would not still be here if it weren’t for your tremendous support. We Love You!

We cannot wait to see you on your mat – – whether it’s in person, online, or outdoors, we cherish your presence and have so much gratitude to the energy you add collectively!

Please be sure to register for the environment of your choice (as noted in the title of each class – “IN STUDIO”, “LIVESTREAM”, “BEACH”)

Mind Over Matter, Heart Over Mind!


Yoga: is a practice, way of life, and healing modality that all bodies can do. It helps to balance mind, body, and spirit and supports the integration of all parts of a person. While cultivating a compassionate and loving inner voice, it allows one to sit with self while noticing, honoring, and processing not only the times of abundance, balance, and flow but the harder, challenging, even darker times of struggle, hardship, pain and suffering.  It builds compassion for self, others, and the collective experience both on and off the mat. Pleasure Point Yoga is here for you. We support growth and healing to empower individuals and build a healthy and happy community. Cultivating a lifelong yoga practice requires a sustainable approach and methods which continue to challenge, as well as relax us on a daily basis. Located in the heart of the Pleasure Point neighborhood we serve all of Santa Cruz County. Our dedicated and highly trained teachers are here for you 7 days a week. Whether you are brand new to yoga or have been practicing for years, you will feel warmly welcomed as you step through our doors. Each breath is an opportunity to grow, each breath is an opportunity to change.  A mindful practice, yoga asks us to pay attention, to become aware of what we’re doing while we’re doing it, and to take responsibility for our mind, body and spirit. It is a practice of coming home to what we already know to be true. To support you on your path of well-being, we offer 40+ classes per week.  We are a Yoga studio and loving container, holding space for our community to go inward on a journey deeper to self, to the jewel of your heart, and your soul’s calling.


All Levels, All Bodies, All Ways are Welcome Always! 

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu ~ May all beings be happy. May all beings be healthy. And may all beings be free everywhere.




FREE Satsang Community Circle: Yoga Philosophy  – Mantras, Mudras, & Sutras (Livestream)

INSTRUCTOR: Sherry Cassedy

DATE: Every Monday

TIME: 7:30 – 8:30am

COST: Free and open to all!

LOCATIONS: Livestream AND Moving IN STUDIO on January 8th!

Mantras, Sutras and Mudras, Oh My!

Pleasure Point Yoga’s Monday morning Satsang is a unique (and free) opportunity to delve deeper into the esoteric teachings of Yoga in the company of one another. It is a great introduction for anyone who is curious to learn more, and an open invitation to revisit and share in the supported space of the Sangha as we deepen our practice.

Come clear your mind and refresh your soul.

In Satsang, we gather together, in community to seek truth or, more simply, to be with the truth. We create the space with chanting, light, and intention, gentle rituals that help us to dedicate this hour to our study and practice and to one another.

We begin each morning with chanting the Gayatri Mantra, the ancient invocation to the Sun. We take up one Yoga Sutra (brief teaching) in sequence each week, chanting and translating the prior Sutras for practice and review, then translating, breaking down, studying the Sutra of the week and sharing how it applies to our lives at this moment. We practice pranayama (breath) and mudras (hand poses) before we settle in for about 5 minutes of meditation to allow the teachings to settle into our bodies and consciousness.

FREE Community Yoga – Taught by our 200hr YTT Graduates!




DATES / TIME: Saturdays 12:30 – 1:30pm


  • August 3rd: Julia Romrell

  • August 24th: Julia Romrell

  • August 31st: Deepa Singasmetti


LOCATION: 3707 Portola Drive – Yoga Studio



**Please check MindBody for Current Schedule

FREE Community Yoga Class!

Come practice with our Embodied Breath Yoga and Breathwork Teacher Training graduates for a mixed flow that will leave you feeling that sweet connection.

all levels, all bodies

Beach Yoga: Offered All Year Round! 

CLASS TYPE: Slow Vinyasa Flow (unless otherwise specified)

CLASS LEVEL: Welcome to ALL Levels / All Bodies / All Ways!

Outdoor Yoga is here to stay! Practice outdoors in a fun and beautiful environment with your friends. Breath in that fresh, crisp air while looking out into the sea or up into the cosmos. Ground down, find your center, and let go of what no longer serves. In with the good, out with the no longer needed! In with a fresh start, out with the old.

Outdoor Yoga is offered Year Round – – weather permitting. Please see live schedule for updates. You will NOT be charged for any class cancellations due to weather and you will be notified via email if/when cancellations happen. Please understand weather cancellations may happen last minute and are hard to plan for – – PLEASE check the live schedule for any cancellations when in doubt!

Sunny Cove Beach (17th Ave): Location:
  • Sunday 9am-10:15am  – Slow Flow w/Katie Jacobson or Vaza or Another Instructor
  • Wednesday 9am-10:15am  – Slow Flow w/ Katie Jacobson
Twin Lakes Beach (Lifeguard tower left of Crow’s Nest): Location:
  • Saturday 9am-10:15am – Gentle Yoga with Talya Lutzker or Aubrey Padma
  • Yoga mat and / or large beach towel
  • Water, Sunscreen, Sunglasses and Layers of Clothing (particularly in the winder / colder mornings)
  • Wintery / Misty / Foggy Mornings: Suggest sweatshirt, socks, hat / beanie, sweatpants over your yoga clothes (get cozy in Shavasana)
Please Pre-Register with us via the MindBody App. Click here to for the live schedule

Asana: Vinyasa Flow (Slow, Mixed, Sweaty) In Studio & Livestream

LOCATION: 3707 Portola Drive,  Yoga Studio

Gentle Yoga & Gentle Yin Classes (Deep & Functional Stretch) IN STUDIO


  • GENTLE YIN: Wednesdays 11:00am – 12:15pm
  • GENTLE YOGA: Fridays 11:00am – 12:15pm

LEVEL: All Levels – Great for Beginners or experienced yogis who want a more gentle yoga practice

LOCATION: 3707 Portola Drive – Main Yoga Studio


Drop Ins are always welcome!

Dream Yoga: Somatic and Educational Experience (Mondays 7:30pm)


DATES / TIMES: Mondays 7:30pm – 8:45pm

LOCATION: 3707 Portola Drive,  Yoga Studio

Yin Yoga: Relax, Rejuvenate, & Renew IN STUDIO & Livestream


  • Yin Yoga (In Studio & Livestream
  • Gentle Yin (IN STUDIO Only 

LEVEL: Mixed Levels / All Levels

LOCATION: “IN STUDIO” or “Livestream”

  • IN STUDIO: 3707 Portola Drive – Main Yoga Studio
  • Livestream: via Zoom


Drop Ins are always welcome!


Sound Bath Journey (Thursdays @ 7:30pm)


with Rotating Sound Healers!
The Lovebyrds (Lola + Justin)
Aubrey Padma
or a combo appearance!


DATE: Thursdays

TIME: 7:30 – 8:30pm

Livestream Yoga Classes & Process 

For those who prefer to practice in the comfort of their own home or hotel while traveling, please join us via Livestream!