Satsang: for community & truth.
Satsang: for community & truth. By: Sherry Cassedy Monday morning just after the sun has cleared the horizon, I make the short walk to the studio. I notice the sunrise, whether it is muted by heavy overcast or striated with brilliant color across the morning sky. I reflect on its constancy and variation and will bring that to our morning offering. I turn the key in the simple lock and step into the warmth and calm light of Pleasure Point […]
Journey to the Center of an Avocado: Why to Save that Seed!
Written by Kayla Copeland How much do you love avocados? Well, this amazing little fruit just got about 10 times better. Before you throw away the seed of the next avocado you slice open for your midday snack… Did you know that the seed of the avocado is one of the most nutritious and often thrown out parts of this superfood? But how on earth, you ask, do you get to this nutrient packed center without completely sacrificing that glorious […]
Holistic Nutrition Seminar
As we move deeper into the core of summer, we often reflect on the past and are asked to shed light on the dormant spaces within. This is a crucial time for transition, a natural occurrence in life, and we might find ourselves feeling the need to enlighten these spaces within us with change. Change is a scary word, but transitions in life are vital and will happen especially if they are needed dramatically. It is easy to get comfortable […]
Eastern Insights: Oil Pulling
Eastern Insights: Oil Pulling Written by: Kayla Copeland There’s a lot of talk about oil pulling these days. It seems this age-old practice is making a come back & for good reason! Oil pulling is an oral hygiene technique which first originated over 3,000 years ago in India. The process is done by using a tablespoon of coconut oil (sesame and olive oil are also fine too) and swishing it in the mouth for 15-20 minutes (a minimum of 5 mins) pulling it […]
Calendula Magic
HANDMADE ☼ ORGANIC ☼ HEALING SALVE ☼ written by: Shar’ron Strasser This is my Love Bug Salve! It’s a great salve for all of you highly active and outdoor adventurers, Whom Will be Camping and Spending much time Around Bugs. It is has multiple uses and has sure come in handy in my first aid kit and household and car. We spend much of our time as a family Camping and outdoors exposing our family to many mosquitoes and bugs. […]
Dandelion Tea
Dandelion Tea By Shar’ron Strasser @themedicineshack Typically considered a weed or nuisance plant dandelions are actually often a overlooked food source. All parts of this plant are edible – including the flowers. This plant holds many vitamins and the flowers have antioxidant properties. The greens of the dandelion plant are edible raw and cooked. The roots can be cleaned and cut to use in Stir fry’s or dry them and use them in teas. This plant contains vitamins A, B, […]